WP 1: Project management (KIT – IKFT)

This work package includes the coordination of the project, the external presentation and the utilisation of the results. The aim is to ensure efficient cooperation, broad visibility of the project results and their sustainable utilisation.

Project coordination 
The KIT-IKFT is responsible for overall coordination. The exchange between the partners will take place through semi-annual meetings – partly online, partly in person – with a final event in January 2026. A monthly jour fix meeting will ensure the continuous flow of information. A project management and risk management plan structures the exchange of data and materials, identifies potential challenges and defines countermeasures. Regular reports are also submitted to the funding organisation.

External presentation
Project communication takes place via a website and a LinkedIn channel. Press releases and newsletter articles ensure visibility. Three webinars on specialised topics and an international workshop in Brussels are also planned.

Realisation of results 
The utilisation plans are updated on an ongoing basis. A networking plan ensures coordinated co-operation with research projects, companies and specialist committees.

Data management (DLR) 
With the SimFuel platform, DLR provides a centralised tool for data management. All relevant data is recorded, checked and made available to the partners in a standardised manner. In addition, dashboards are created for external stakeholders and the public presentation of results.

This work package ensures smooth project coordination, targeted external presentation and sustainable utilisation of the results.



Projektkoordinator                Projektmanagerin

Nicolaus Dahmen                  Alexandra Böhm


Das Projekt Ref4Fu wird im Rahmen des Gesamtkonzepts Erneuerbare Kraftstoffe durch das Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr gefördert. Die Förderrichtlinie für die Entwicklung regenerativer Kraftstoffe wird von der NOW GmbH koordiniert und durch die Projektträger VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH sowie die Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e. V. umgesetzt.